


French Pres. Macron Paris Peace Forum (Source: Paris Peace Forum)
Pres. Macron Kamala Harris Justin Trudeau
(Source: Paris Peace Forum)
USPA NEWS - French President Emmanuel Macron will participate in the Paris Peace Forum which will be held on Thursday 10 and Friday 11 November 2022 at the Palais Brogniart as well as at the Elysée Palace. It is te fifth edition, of this global Summit for Peace founded and launched by Emmanuel Macron himself, in 2017, dear to his own Presidential agenda. This year it coincides within the context of Ukraine’s war, and marks also the implementation fo some measures validated last year during YUS Vice President Kamala Harris, in particular for the launch of the Children's Online Protection Lab. During the previous edition of the Paris Peace Forum, the President of the Republic launched, together with UNICEF, the Call to action to defend the rights of children in the digital environment. While much progress has been made since then, the Head of State will bring together this Thursday, November 10, on the occasion of the Forum of Heads of State and Government, NGOs as well as representatives of major digital platforms for the launch of the Children's Online Protection Lab.

Paris Peace Forum 2022 Banner
Source: Paris Peace Forum
French President Emmanuel Macron will participate in the Paris Peace Forum which will be held on Thursday 10 and Friday 11 November 2022 at the Palais Brogniart as well as at the Elysée Palace. It is te fifth edition, of this global Summit for Peace founded and launched by Emmanuel Macron himself, in 2017, dear to his own Presidential agenda. This year it coincides within the context of Ukraine’s war, and marks also the implementation fo some measures validated last year during YUS Vice President Kamala Harris, in particular for the launch of the Children's Online Protection Lab. During the previous edition of the Paris Peace Forum, the President of the Republic launched, together with UNICEF, the Call to action to defend the rights of children in the digital environment. While much progress has been made since then, the Head of State will bring together this Thursday, November 10, on the occasion of the Forum of Heads of State and Government, NGOs as well as representatives of major digital platforms for the launch of the Children's Online Protection Lab. Modeled on the Christchurch Appeal's model and proven method, the Children Online Protection Lab will bring together leading international players to develop technical solutions on key issues such as identifying the age of Internet users, combating the unauthorized sharing of intimate images or cyberbullying. In addition, the Paris Peace Forum will take place this year in a new context of the return of war on the European continent, the questioning of the international order, and the growing risk of fracturing the world. The President of the Republic also wanted this 5th edition of the Forum to be the occasion for a major debate on universalism challenged by the war in Ukraine, with political leaders and intellectuals from around the world.
From Thursday, November 10, 2022, the head of State Macron will receive at the Elysee Palace after noon, 5:30 pm, ministers, leaders of digital companies and NGOs invited to the launch of the Laboratory for the protection of the childhood online. At 6:30pm, the launch of the Online Child Protection Lab will be revealed. The next day, Friday, November 11, President Emmanuel Macron will go together with other high profile speakers (Eddi Rama PM of from Albania, and other head of States…) to a debate, at 4:00 p.m., at the Palais Brogniart, around the theme of “the universalism challenged by war in Ukraine”. On the third and last day of the Paris Peace Forum, President Macron offers a couture dinner at the Elysee, to the happy few guests, who will go from 7:30 pm to the Elysee Palace for dinner at 9:00 pm. Source : Elysée, French Presidency

Leaders at Paris Peace Forum 2021
Source: Paris Peace Forum
HM Queen Rania Jordania
Source: Paris Peace Forum
Pres. E.Macron J.Trudeau K. Harris
Source: Paris Peace Forum
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